Saltar al contenido principal


Tries to transfer all coins with amount below the given limit to the given address.



"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "sweep_below",
"params": {
"address": "inftzttEtuBXHaENMCDHA35WjVTSP8QGvYSJ1QcHsFGMQC25PwC827LACMAshFovw9RWQjps4pgR6YVhKksawNscgjGCXKJdvRg5F",
"amount": 100000000,
"fee": 1000000,
"mixin": 1,
"payment_id_hex": "1dfe5a88ff9effb3"

Request description:

    "address": Public address for sending or receiving native coins.
"amount": Threshold amount of native coins to sweep.
"fee": Transaction fee required for processing the transaction.
"mixin": Number of outputs from the blockchain to mix with when sending a transaction to improve privacy.
"payment_id_hex": Payment ID associated with the transaction in hexadecimal format.


"id": 0,
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"amount_swept": 101000000000,
"amount_total": 100000000000,
"outs_swept": 112,
"outs_total": 10,
"tx_hash": "01220e8304d46b940a86e383d55ca5887b34f158a7365bbcdd17c5a305814a93",
"tx_unsigned_hex": "8304d46b940a86e383d55ca5887b34f158a7365bbcdd17c5a305814a9334f158a7368304d46b940a86e383d55ca5887b34f158a7365bbcdd17c5a305814a9334f158a736"

Response description:

    "amount_swept": Amount of native coins swept in the transaction.
"amount_total": Total amount of native coins involved in the transaction.
"outs_swept": Number of outputs swept in the transaction.
"outs_total": Total number of outputs in the transaction.
"tx_hash": Transaction ID (hash) format.
"tx_unsigned_hex": Unsigned transaction data in hexadecimal format.