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Solo Mining Guide

The Infinium daemon features an internal stratum-like server that can serve miner clients via the ethProxy protocol. It works like a very light and simple pool that mines to a single address.


2GB graphic card is required for GPU mining

To run a GPU miner with the internal Infinium stratum server follow these steps:

  • build the daemon (infiniumd executable)
  • run the daemon with an activated stratum server
  • run the GPU or CPU miner connected to the daemon

Once all started the miner should connect to the daemon and receive a job from it. Upon finding a solution, the miner should send it to the daemon and the daemon should confirm the solution. Both can run on remote machines.

Windows quick guide

First, install the Infinium app, a wallet and wait until blockchain syncing is complete. When syncing is complete close the app.

In order to mine, Infinium must be started with the stratum server activated. Open a cmd console window and navigate to the Infinium folder (C:\Program Files\Infinium by default):

cd C:\Program Files\Infinium


infiniumd.exe --stratum --stratum-miner-address=<YOUR WALLET ADDRESS> --log-level=0 --stratum-bind-port=11555

Get the latest mining software for Windows. To make it simple, if you use an Nvidia graphic card choose Cuda miner, for AMD go for OpenCL.

Nvidia/CUDA cards

If you have an NVIDIA card you need to install CUDA GPU Computing Toolkit v10.1 and then add C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.1\bin to your Path environment variable.

Open another cmd window and navigate to the progminer folder. Run one of the following commands to start mining.

progminer-infinium-opencl.exe -P stratum1+tcp://miner@localhost:11555

progminer-infinium-cuda.exe -P stratum1+tcp://miner@localhost:11555

progminer-infinium-cpu.exe -P stratum1+tcp://miner@localhost:11555

You can use many instances of running mining software (progminer-infinium-*.exe) with only one instance of the Infinium daemon (infiniumd).